Kataokake old house, Nara
“Kataokake old house” is an old residence in Uda, Nara Prefecture. There are 9 old houses in the area and it is said that the oldest house was built in 1670.
Kataokake old house in Japanese
Japan web magazine’s recommend
Kataokake old house DATA
- Address: 938 tawara, Oudaku, Uda-shi, Nara
- Access: 20 min from Kintetsu osaka line Haibara station by Nara kotsu bus heading for Ouda, then 6 min by taxi.
- Entry:Free
- Parking: Yes
- Opening hours: 10:00~17:00(By Appointment Only)
- Price: 300 yen
- Credit card: —
- Phone: 0745-83-2000
〒633-2174 奈良県宇陀市大宇陀上
Kataokake old house
Kataokake old house