Shizutani school located in very isolated area in Okayama prefecture was founded by Lord Mitsumasa Ikeda of Bizen in 1670. “Shizutani” means “quiet valley”, and near the school, there is a quiet valley along the tiny road.
The Shizutani school was one of the oldest free public school in Japan. The school accepted not only common people and samurai children in the domain but also people from other domains.

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Shizutani school DATA
- Where: Okayama Prefecture, Bizen-shi (city), Shizutani
- How to get there: By car-approximately 15 minutes from the Bizen interchange on Sanyojidosya-do; By bus-approximately 12 minutes from the JR Yoshinaga Station; By taxi approximately 10 minutes from the JR Yoshinaga Station; or 40 minute walk from JR Yoshinaga station.
- parking: Yes
- Hours: 9:00 to 16:30 (17:00 closed)
- Closed:December 29 30 and 31
- Price: Adults 300 yen, elementary school students 100 yen
- Open:Year around
- Phone: 0869-67-1436
- Website: BIZEN City
〒705-0036 岡山県備前市閑谷 旧閑谷学校
Shizutani school
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